Joshua Dixon Building Re-Entry Guide

Dear Families,

Thank you to everyone who has called with questions and concerns regarding the 2020-21 school year.  I have tried to incorporate and clarify as much of the unknown as possible.  That said, please understand that this document is definitely a work in progress and as requirements and mandates are placed upon the public school system, I will make adjustments.  All of us here have worked diligently and with integrity to make our building ready for a safe return.  This will be my twenty-eighth year at Joshua Dixon and those that know me understand that your children, are my children, and to ensure social, emotional, physical, and academic needs are met, I will continue to take one day at a time and put forth a good faith effort every day.   Keep in mind, this 'new-normal' may be temporary and through it all we have been able to find blessings within ourselves, our children and families, and within our community.  We truly are in this together.  

Mrs. Sharshan